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Friday, June 21, 2013

Visa Incorporation

Visa Incorporation is one of the world's leading companies engaged in the global payments technology that connects consumers, businesses, banks and governments in more than 200 countries and territories. The presence Visa allows millions of people in the world to use digital currency instead of cash or checks, and facilitates electronic funds transfers throughout the world accounts. Visa provides financial institutions with Visa-branded payment products, to offer a credit, prepaid, debit and cash-access programs to their customers.

Visa Incorporation logo

Visa has been operating throughout the Asia-Pacific region, North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, East Africa and Central Africa. Currently, Visa has three service products have been used by hundreds of millions people to achieve financial services that can facilitate financial inclusion. The products are divided into three categories, such as Prepaid, Money transfer, and Mobile.

Prepaid is a service that allows one to access the pre-funded money to make purchases, pay bills and receive direct deposits. While the Money Transfer is a service developed by Visa which aims to facilitate the public around the world to transfer money in the various regions, this service become one of the services that are important in the financial life of the community. Mobile is also a service that is currently being developed by Visa, considering that almost all people in the world have been using Mobile devices.

On June 5, 2013, Visa Incorporation announced the signing of an agreement to enable merchants of all sizes to accept Visa payments using mobile technology. The agreement was made with three providers, mobile point-of-sale (MPOS), which is the world’s leading provider. The agreement at once initiate Visa Ready Program is also supported by iZettle, SumUp and Swiff SCCP Group with a view to having their mobile reception hardware and software tested and approved for use with Visa payment.

Visa Incorporation was founded in 1958 in Foster, California, United States with the first name BankAmericard who also runs a business in the field of financial services. Visa is a combination of the leading companies in the world are also engaged in the field of Financial, including the BankAmericard, Chargex, Barclaycard, Carte Bleue, and all other licensees. Big companies merging are caused by the reluctance of some countries to issue a card associated with Bank of America, although the association was entirely nominal in nature.

The name 'Visa' is given by the founder of the company named Dee Hock, he uses the word 'visa' because he believed that it would be easy word known throughout the world despite the language differences and that the name is also denoted as universal acceptance. Currently, the term Visa has become a recursive backronym for Visa International Service Association.

Joseph Saunders is someone who is very instrumental in the development of the current Visa Incorporation. He served as an Executive Chairman is responsible for providing leadership on the level of a business carried on by the company. Joseph Saunders was accompanied by Charles Scharf, who served as a Chief Executive Officer and John Partridge, who served as a Director precident.

Visa Incorporation headquartered in Foster City, California, United States. For complete information about this company, please access

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