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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Conditions of Use Website

This website is owned by By using this Web Site, you indicate your agreement to be bound by these Conditions of Use. If you do not agree to any part of these Conditions of Use, do not use this Web Site.

Restrictions on use of materials

You may not reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way any material from this Web Site without the prior written permission of Projob Asia. You may, however, download one copy of the material on a single computer for your own personal domestic and/or non-commercial use only, provided you keep intact all accompanying copyright and other proprietary notices. Modification of any of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose will be a violation of Projob.Asia's copyright and other intellectual property rights and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the respective owners.

Use of website

You agree to use this Web Site in accordance with these Conditions of Use and for lawful and proper purposes. You agree to be responsible for all matters arising from your use of this Web Site. Further, you agree:

  1. Not to use this Web Site in any manner which breaches any applicable law or regulation or causes or which may cause an infringement of any third party rights;
  2. Not to post, transmit or disseminate any information on or via this Website which may be harmful, obscene, defamatory or illegal or create liability on Projob Asia’s part;
  3. Not to interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation or functionality of this Web Site; and
  4. Not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access, via whatever means, to any of Projob Asia’s systems.

If Projob.Asia (in its sole discretion) believes that you are in breach, or will be in breach, of any of these Conditions of Use, Projob.Asia reserves its right to deny you access to this Web Site without giving you a reason and/or without further reference to you.

Links to other sites

  1. This Web Site contains links to other web sites which are not maintained by Projob.Asia. Similarly, other web sites may contain links to this Web Site. Projob.Asia is not responsible for the contents of those web sites and shall not be liable for any loss, damages or injury arising from the access to and use of contents of those web sites. Any links to other web sites are provided as a convenience to you as a user of this Web Site, and does not imply the endorsement of Projob.Asia of the linked web sites or association with their operators. Projob.Asia disclaims all responsibility and liability for the use of linked web sites, which you access and use at your own risk.
  2. Any third party that wishes to establish links to this Web Site should notify Projob.Asia of their intention prior to doing so. Projob.Asia may deny permission for any such links to this Web Site. If however Projob.Asia gives its permission for any such links, Projob.Asia is not under any obligation to establish reciprocal links with the third party.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law applicable to these Conditions of Use of Web Site is the law of the Republic of Indonesia and the courts of the Republic of Indonesia will have exclusive jurisdiction in case of any dispute.

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