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Friday, March 22, 2013

Best Companies List in Asia Pasific for Best Career

Based on Kelly Services - China, India, and their developing neighbours have the world's economic future squarely pinned to them. Yes, we need a stable EU and a prosperous America, but in the APAC region, China is still the critical engine of growth. And as time goes by, China is less dependent upon external demand to fuel its development.

China, India and Indonesia are still growing strongly while the smaller, emerging economies in the region are experiencing less robust growth. Intra-regional demand is still strong, evidenced in part by continuing inflationary pressures

The Best Career Company in Asia
Strong Companies in Asia Pasific - by Kelly Services

Banks and resources are unsurprisingly among the dominant players in the Asia-Pacific region. By market capitalisation, the regions banks, particularly those in China, are forging ahead of international competitors. However, there are a growing number of opportunities in expanding industries including property, retail goods, food and telecommunications. It's these sectors that will be looking to expand and hire key talent in the short- to medium-term, and which offer among the best career prospects.

The detail job trends report of Asia Pasific career guide you may download here

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