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Friday, March 22, 2013

Arutmin Indonesia

Arutmin is international modern coal company which operates in a 70,153 hectare concession area of Kalimantan Block 6 and make a strategic alliances with BHP Billiton and Thiess. The company supplying highly competitive coal products and become a provider of coal products for power plants in Asia. Currently the company is one of Indonesia's largest coal-exporting majors and sends more than 80% of its coal to Asia, Europe, Chilly and Mediteranian.

Arutmin Logo
Arutmin is a part of Bumi Resources TBK since 2001 has successfully achieved various awards, such as: Green PROPER trophy on Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) held by the Minister of Environment in 2012, environmental management system from Sucofindo International Certification, Indonesian CSR Awards, Platinum GKPM Awards and other prestigious certifiates.

Senakin, Satui, Mulia, Batulicin and Asam-asam are an open cut coal mines which located near Arutmin’s port facility.For more than 20 years, arutmin was shipping more than fifteen million tonnes of saleable product annually to Indonesian and export market.In 2009 it produced 22.42 million tons of coal and increase to 24.3 million tonnes of coal in 2010, where its contains 10.58 million tonnes of sub-bituminous coal and 13.76 million tonnes of bituminous coal.

Coal Marketing Map of Arutmin

The five coal mines location produce different coal products and it makes the advantage for Arutmin to offer various products to the market, such as High quality coal, Environmentally friendly lower rank coal and Blended products to suit customers specification.

More information about the company can be accesses at

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