Administration duties in the company will be handle by the administrator. The administration employee is vital people in the company in providing valuable help throughout the organization. Administration job usually separate into 3 categorize, they are: secretary, admin clerk and data entry.
All positions above have a duties in handling administration work in a company like preparing the document, filing the document, prepare for presentation, manage the more routine administration tasks within an organisation or department, maintain information on computer systems and in archives, and recording and updating databases.
The rewards of this job are depend on company. High salary paying of this job are related to oil and gas sector, mining company and power generation company. Mostly the people are choice the bank for this position, but unfortunately they will pay low your work.
The administrator will be stay in the office and very rare to travel within department. When you chooses this career, just prepare with bore activity. This job position is require the people who have high patient and tolerate.
To be a great administrator you have to handle every administration task in a time. Just remember, behind great manager you will find great administrator.
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